Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Still haven't found a 9-5 job, but I did find one very small time writing gig. Which is exciting.

Yay, excitement!

And on a completely random note: Today is comic book day, and there are 3 new DC comics coming out. *dances* Raven's next one is coming out, which makes me even more uberly excited.

Alright *sigh* Off for more job hunting, where they will tell me they love me, then not hire me. Ciao!

Friday, March 28, 2008


I feel like turning over a new leaf. I'm a little freaked out at the moment, since I still haven't been able to find a job, yet a roommate of mine who has had 12 jobs in that many months keeps finding new ones....

Anywho, I've been keeping busy with costuming (finished the pirate shirt I was working on, now I'm onto a corset), drawing (I'm getting decent and I had a friend offer to put a couple comics of mine on his website), and writing (almost done with the second part of Glitter and Grit, finally!). So that's all going I just need a job that pays!

Friday, March 7, 2008


So I finally put a story up on lulu, and today I opened a cafepress store. Who knows if I'll ever sell anything on either, but hey.

Oddly enough, even though I'm half miserable staying with the guy who cheated on me, I'm more motivated now. It's like...hey, maybe I can't snag a good one, but hell if I'm gonna sit here and rot.

So my store only has two items so far, a mug and a tshirt, but I think they're cute.

Shop front is:

It's shiny. And often geeky.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Story, ho!

So long story short, I'm staying.

And in important, interesting news....I'm technically a published author now. Thanks to, the site that lets you publish (some things) free, I published a short story of mine. It's way overpriced. I don't really care. See, Lulu used to let you charge whatever the fuck you wanted, and that's what the customer paid, but now they have a 'commission' so even if I charged a penny for my story, people would have to pay 20 cents. No joke.

So my way overpriced 7-page story is for sale. It will be added to, no worries. I plan on having at least three sections to the story I got going now...almost done with the second. And then it will be a slightly less overpriced story, but still overpriced for the crap writing.


And with that winning endorsement by me, the link to it is:

So honestly the writing is ehhh, but the ideas in it I'm rather attached to. I'm going for a newish angle on the whole superhero thing (I am sure someone has done it before. Shhhh, let me have my dream!).

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

So it ends...

So I've basically decided to leave him.

That looks so final.

But I can't stay and respect myself. Yeah, he's willing to change...a bit. And far too late.

I've been telling people. They're all supportive. Some just said 'good' and moved I should have left a while ago. They're probably right.

But damnit, it's hard.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Oh How Quickly Life Changes.

So short version is: my boyfriend cheated on me.

Long version is: he cheated on me.

What's worse, almost, is he didn't cheat on me physically. He cybered his way into at least 7 different women's pants. What's even worse than that, more than half of them are married. Hello, I think I know why at least some of those marriages don't last. And what's even worse, is he didn't remember doing it. He completely blocked out cybering every fucking time I wasn't physically near him. I had to read the damn chat logs and confront him with them. And even then, for a while, he was all "I don't know. I don't remember" and eventually he admitted he did remember.

So I was off, being all stressed out and whatever, and he was dicking around, literally.

But supposedly I'm the love of his life, and I provide for his needs. Even those needs.

I'm just so livid. Hurt, a touch, but mostly just eyes-seeing-red-livid. How DARE he? Not only did he cheat on me, he would quite often bitch about me behind my back. Not just a venting about something. Full on, 30 minute rants about (x).

What a total fuckhead.

I want to go back to California. I really, really do. Hell, New York City would be better than this.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Home again, home again, jiggity jig

Back in 'bama. This time to stay...hopefully. Now tis time to find a job. Funny how I dislike vacation time...but I'm not really looking forward to working again. I guess it's not so much the's that...well...ok, here's the thing.

I'm scared to have to go through the application process. I've never actually had to before. Weird, huh. I've always had friends or friends of friends be able to say like..."She's awesome. Hire her" Actually having to start over completely is a little overwhelming.

And I'm secretly a big chicken, but that isn't so big a secret I guess.