Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I'm at this one hostel...and there was this guy that I really wasn't comfortable around just sitting near. Bad vibes, you know? Well, my suspicions were confirmed when he started talking to me...when I was obviously listening to music and writing. That is so beyond rude. And he kept saying "Well I'll let you get back to writing" and then would ask something or say something that politeness demanded a response, and I'd respond, and he'd see it as an invitation to keep talking to me. Um, no. And then when saying goodnight, he wouldn't let go of my hand, no matter how hard I tugged. Ick.

So that wasn't too bad. I without thinking gave him my email and phone number, which is fine, I can easily get him blocked if he does unkosher things. Not a problem. But then I was obviously listening to music another night, and he came by and started talking to me. And I tried to ignore him, but he wouldn't shut up, so I finally took out my headphones and looked at him and said "What?" and he repeated himself. Instead of apologizing and walking off.

And he wanted to talk to me about typing up this book he wrote, he would pay me, it would help him out, and since I can obviously type kinda fast because I wrote 50k in one month....would I help him out?

I said I'd think about it. I'd tell him tomorrow. Well, I was busy and didn't see him. Then the second day I saw him, but I didn't want to talk to him, so I avoided him with ease. Third day, I was walking downstairs to eat dinner, and he was going out (given the time of night and how they were walking and talking, to a bar), and he stopped me, and pulled me off to the side (well, tried, I kinda stood there and looked impatient), and asked me if I had gotten his email.

No, I hadn't.

Well, he wanted to know if I had considered his 'proposal'.

I had, but I was too busy.

This is where I get pissed off. He looks at me all faux disappointed and says my name, like a scolding parent. He would pay me. Like that would change my mind.

Money isn't the issue. The issue is I'm busy and I have to take care of my own things.

He's disappointed. He looks over at his friend and smirks. He obviously thinks I'm just being pissy. He'll change my mind. He'll learn.

Sorry, wish I could help but...I walk away. I figure that is the end of the matter. How naive.

Next day, I am down again, cooking dinner. He tries to call out my name, but I ignore him and call my boyfriend. I am on the phone, and he walks up and tries to talk to me. Hello? On the phone.

I have the manuscript and he starts to pull it out.

I look at him, angry. No. Just flat out. No apology. Probably just thinks I'm PMSing. I don't care. I turn away and continue my dinner preparations and continue my conversation. Now, matter is done. I assume. Also, if it's printed out, why doesn't he have a copy on his computer? I think it's dumb. If he wants his damn book published, he can type it up himself, rather than sitting around flirting with girls and going out with boys. He has the time. Trust me. If I can write a 61 thousand word novel in less than 20 days, and be working 50+ hours a week, he can type up a book he already has printed out.

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