Friday, February 8, 2008

Oh How Quickly Life Changes.

So short version is: my boyfriend cheated on me.

Long version is: he cheated on me.

What's worse, almost, is he didn't cheat on me physically. He cybered his way into at least 7 different women's pants. What's even worse than that, more than half of them are married. Hello, I think I know why at least some of those marriages don't last. And what's even worse, is he didn't remember doing it. He completely blocked out cybering every fucking time I wasn't physically near him. I had to read the damn chat logs and confront him with them. And even then, for a while, he was all "I don't know. I don't remember" and eventually he admitted he did remember.

So I was off, being all stressed out and whatever, and he was dicking around, literally.

But supposedly I'm the love of his life, and I provide for his needs. Even those needs.

I'm just so livid. Hurt, a touch, but mostly just eyes-seeing-red-livid. How DARE he? Not only did he cheat on me, he would quite often bitch about me behind my back. Not just a venting about something. Full on, 30 minute rants about (x).

What a total fuckhead.

I want to go back to California. I really, really do. Hell, New York City would be better than this.

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