Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Back in sunny SoCal. Again. I'm here for two and a half weeks to say hello and goodbye to everyone, and to defend for the dozenth time why I'm moving to the South. Because, as we all know, the South is entirely made up of by rednecks and bigots.


I'm pretty much using this as Writing Time v. 2 since NaNo is over. Also, so I don't feel guilty not loving on Boyfriend while he's around. Mostly because most of our relationship up to this point was long distance...let's see...we've been together since early September, and I've been in physical contact with him for a grand total of three and a half weeks.

Woo. Go me.

This blog has no point. However, I would like to take the rest of the time before I get really bored to announce that this whole '15 minutes of fame' business has gotten entirely out of hand. There was an article written on 'How To Get Famous' in Seventeen magazine. How ridiculous is that? I mean, you're a goddamned teenager. Don't take your whiney little drama on tv and think we'll care about it.

Unfortunately, there will be someone out there who will.

Dear God, gods and goddesses, help us all.

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