Friday, January 11, 2008

Lrn2spl, kthxbai

Since I got distracted before I wrote the second post I had planned...

On the way to Disneyland, we drove by a billboard that had 'r u a rock-a-holic?" on it. Now, I use abbreviations when doing things like playing online games and whatnot, but my God. It's a freaking billboard. People spent money to look like complete retards that can't spell.

I understand it is viewed as 'cool' and 'hip' to spell incorrectly. I know English is an ever-changing language. But Mr. Webster worked very hard to bring us somewhat standardized spellings of everything. And it wasn't like they were discussing quantum physics or anything overly difficult. Where they paying by the letter? No...billboards are paid one lump sum. It's not like a freaking telegram.

What frightens me most about it, I suppose, is some usually very bright people all got into a group and discussed what would be the 'coolest' billboard to draw in their 'younger' crowd. So they made the background black (check: being angsty is always in style), made the letters block and appeared faded (check: Retro is cool now) and then misspelled half the sign. These are people with college degrees. And probably fat paychecks. Deciding to purposefully make that billboard just a little bit stupider.

Gah. I hate LA.

Oh wait, I'm sorry. I h8 LA.

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